

  针对国内汽车、电子、家电市场的激烈竞争,云塑对标国外知名品牌部分牌号,研制的改性PC  PC/ABS  PP PA6 PA66系列产品,高性价比成功应用在一汽奔腾、一汽大众、中国重汽、长城汽车、黄海汽车、海信、海尔等知名品牌产品中。
  Foucs on the fierce competition in the automotive, electronics and home appliances markets in China, benchmarking parts of foreign famous brands,a series of modified PC PC/ABS PP PA6 PA66 products have been developed by Cplastics.With High cost performance,they have been successfully applied in the famous brands ,such as FAW-Benteng、FAW-Volkswagen、Sino-Trunk、 Great Wall Motor、Huanghai motor、Hisense、Haier and so on.